WASHINGTON - Congressman James Comer is proud to support the financial CHOICE Act. As a former director of a small community bank, he understands the hardships Dodd-Frank put on the Main Street bankers, the men and women who were the financial lifeblood of many rural communities. The CHOICE Act would help fix those problems. 

“I voted to return banking back to Main Street to increase economic opportunity across the first district and the country. This legislation would put an end to the disastrous, overreaching Dodd-Frank law that did nothing to end “too big to fail” and devastated our community bankers in the process. Under Dodd-Frank, America was losing an average of one community bank or credit union a day," Comer said.

"The CHOICE Act includes many reforms that would help American families and small businesses. It ends taxpayer bailouts for Wall Street. It stops big banks from getting bigger while providing relief to small community banks, and it gives working people a chance to pursue their financial goals and new economic opportunities. I was proud to vote for this important financial reform legislation because it demands accountability from Washington and Wall Street while giving bailouts to none and opportunity to all,” Comer added.

The bill will now head to the United States Senate for approval.