WASHINGTON, D.C. – During the American Agri-Women’s (AAW) 33rd annual fly-in in Washington, D.C., Congressman Comer was presented with the AAW’s prestigious Champion of Agriculture award. This award is given to Congressional Members who are proven advocates for the agricultural sector and represent the ideals of American agriculture in Congress.

“I believe agriculture is truly the most important industry in America. I’m honored to receive this award, as I’ve made it my mission in Washington to be a voice for our agricultural community back in the First District. I thank the hard-working women who organized this event and appreciate being recognized in this way,” Congressman Comer said.

The bipartisan Champion of Agriculture award started in 2010 to recognize members of Congress who have served as leaders in creating and supporting legislation that promotes American agriculture, rural American lifestyles and the U.S. Constitution. Since 2010, there have been two awards given each year: one to a House member and one to a Senate member – both Republicans and Democrats have received the award.

Pictured from left to right: Jenny Stelmach, Congressman James Comer and Helena Pitcock.