On Tuesday, the House of Representatives passed the Small Business Advocacy Improvements Act of 2019 (H.R. 128) by voice vote.  This is the first Republican bill passed in the 116th Congress.

The Small Business Advocacy Improvements Act would clarify that the Small Business Administration (SBA) Office of Advocacy has the authority to examine small business issues in international economies – rather than just the domestic economy – and authorize the office to represent small businesses before foreign governments and international entities in addition to federal entities.

The Office of Advocacy at the U.S. SBA plays a vital role in ensuring that federal agencies adequately consider how their policies impact America’s small businesses. Previously, there was no clarification as to whether the SBA Office of Advocacy had the authority to do these activities. With the passage of H.R. 128, the Office of Advocacy can now include international economies as part of its research functions.

“I’m proud to sponsor the first Republican bill passed in the 116th Congress. It is my hope that we can come together to pass other bipartisan bills this session of Congress that help main street America,” Congressman Comer said.