WASHINGTON (WBKO) -- Congressman James Comer (KY-1) joined other members of the GOP on the House Floor Wednesday speaking in opposition against the articles of impeachment brought forward against President Trump.

Comer said the partisan effort is a baseless attempt to undo the will of the 63 million Americans who voted for President Trump.

“Since the beginning of this impeachment inquiry, it’s been extremely troubling to see the partisan, divisive way in which Democrats have carried out this entire process. I guess we shouldn’t be surprised though – they promised they’d unseat this President since the day he took his oath of office."

"From the start, this has been a baseless attempt to undo the will of 63 million Americans who voted for President Trump. I can tell you – the people I represent in Kentucky – the very people who voted for this President to enact change and fight for this country – are appalled at the charade they’ve seen in the House in recent months. They are appalled at the actions from House Democrats, who have failed to even come close to proving their case."

"I hope all of my congressional colleagues carefully consider the precedent they are setting by voting in favor of this sham process and these illegitimate articles of impeachment."

"These articles were written and built on a report that was drafted with biased presumptions, cherry-picked witnesses, and vastly disputed “facts.” The President did not commit any impeachable offense, and it’s clear for all of us to see through the now very well-known transcript. This rigged process sets a concerning precedent for “impeachable offenses” moving forward, and I wholeheartedly oppose these baseless articles of impeachment.”

"I hope all of my congressional colleagues carefully consider the precedent they are setting by voting in favor of this sham process and these illegitimate articles of impeachment."

"These articles were written and built on a report that was drafted with biased presumptions, cherry-picked witnesses, and vastly disputed “facts.” The President did not commit any impeachable offense, and it’s clear for all of us to see through the now very well-known transcript. This rigged process sets a concerning precedent for “impeachable offenses” moving forward, and I wholeheartedly oppose these baseless articles of impeachment.”

"I hope all of my congressional colleagues carefully consider the precedent they are setting by voting in favor of this sham process and these illegitimate articles of impeachment."

"These articles were written and built on a report that was drafted with biased presumptions, cherry-picked witnesses, and vastly disputed “facts.” The President did not commit any impeachable offense, and it’s clear for all of us to see through the now very well-known transcript. This rigged process sets a concerning precedent for “impeachable offenses” moving forward, and I wholeheartedly oppose these baseless articles of impeachment.”