Western Kentucky Congressman James Comer says he supports those protesting peacefully across the country and he continues to be critical of Governor Andy Beshear’s pace of reopening Kentucky’s economy.

In an interview with WHOP News, Congressman Comer says he believes protests lose some of their message when they cross the line into violence, vandalism or looting—citing recent events in Louisville and Minneapolis and the hanging of Governor Beshear in effigy during a protest against his pandemic response.

President Trump threatened to deploy the U.S. Military to cities where protestors were causing damage or looting, a power Congressman Comer believes the president has the authority to use.

Comer praised protestors in Lexington and elsewhere in Kentucky where events were peaceful.

The congressman has supported criminal justice reform measures in the past and he’d be open to such legislation again to be sure sentences are equitable for those among all races and socio-economic statuses.

Congressman Comer says he’ll continue to be more vocal in his criticism of what he sees as a reopening of the Kentucky economy that’s far too slow—saying he’d favor an approach based on number of COVID-19 cases in individual communities.