WASHINGTON—Republican Whip and Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis Ranking Member Steve Scalise (R-La.) and House Committee on Oversight and Reform Ranking Member James Comer (R-Ky.) today blasted the Biden Administration’s new policies requiring private sector businesses with 100 or more employees to require vaccinations or weekly COVID testing and mandating employees in certain health facilities be vaccinated by January 4, 2022.

“Thanks to the success of Operation Warp Speed, Americans have the option to be vaccinated against COVID-19. But the medical decision to get vaccinated should not morph into a Washington mandate that forces the firing of millions of hard-working Americans. President Biden’s sweeping decrees on families and businesses are more examples of illegal government overreach that will force small businesses to fire millions of their workers. At a time when employers are already struggling to hire employees, President Biden should not make it harder on our economy by placing burdensome mandates on American workers, especially on healthcare workers who risked their lives to help their fellow citizens throughout the pandemic. Americans must be free to make their own medical decisions,” said Republican Whip and Ranking Member Scalise.

“President Biden’s authoritarian mandates on the American people are contrary to our nation’s core value of individual liberty,” said Ranking Member Comer.“While I encourage all Americans to get vaccinated against the coronavirus, we cannot allow the President of the United States to micromanage Americans’ personal medical decisions and the operations of the private sector. President Biden’s vaccine mandates are costing many Americans their jobs, healthcare, and ability to provide for their families. They are also harming healthcare workers who worked on the front lines during the pandemic. The Biden Administration’s continued assault on Americans’ freedom must be stopped.”
