WASHINGTON—House Committee on Oversight and Reform Ranking Member James Comer (R-Ky.) and Committee Republicans today called on Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) to hold a series of hearings on child welfare and reopening schools.

“Children are more at risk from school closures than the coronavirus itself,” said Ranking Member Comer. “The science and experts have made it abundantly clear that we can reopen schools safely, but radical unions continue with their unscientific demands and refuse to return to the classroom. As schools remain shuttered, the most vulnerable are being left behind and failing grades, mental health issues, and child neglect have all increased. We are robbing a generation of students of the education they need and deserve and we must work together across party lines to get kids back in school.”

In the letter, the Republican lawmakers emphasize the science and experts have made it clear children can safely return to school and outline the devastating consequences of school closures. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports increases in mental health issues in children and some school districts report surges in suicides. Additionally, it is estimated three million children are missing from school and those with special disabilities are not receiving the services they need and are entitled to under the law. Ranking Member Comer and Oversight Republicans call on Chairwoman Maloney to work together to provide solutions for school districts currently shuttered so students can return to in-person learning.

You can find the letter here.