Comer Introduces Bipartisan Postal Service Reform Legislation

Bill would create financial sustainability for key government service

May 13, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. – As part of an effort to improve the efficiency and financing of the United States Postal Service, Congressman James Comer has joined Oversight Committee Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney (D) in introducing the bipartisan Postal Service Reform Act. The legislation was passed by the House Oversight and Reform Committee, which Comer serves as Republican Leader of, and will now move to the full House for consideration.

The plan will provide more financial flexibility for the agency to improve its’ operations, incorporate innovative ideas to modernize the agency, and maintain a minimum of six-day delivery for mail and packages by USPS.

“The American people rely on the U.S. Postal Service for everything from bills to receiving prescriptions to staying in touch with their families. It is an incredibly important institution and we must ensure it’s around in the future. The Postal Service Reform Act, coupled with Postmaster General Dejoy’s business reform plan, will help put USPS on the road to fiscal stability, make it more efficient and sustainable for generations, and ensure continued service to the American people. I appreciate Postmaster General Dejoy delivering a solid business plan that Congress has waited on for years, and the partnership and leadership of Chairwoman Maloney in working with the Republicans on much needed legislative reforms,” said Congressman Comer.