Contact: Austin Hacker

WASHINGTON—House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer today applauded House passage of the Stopping Home Office Work’s Unproductive Problems (SHOW UP) Act (H.R. 139), a bill he introduced to prevent the Biden Administration from cementing heightened pandemic-era telework policies until it proves the efficacy of remote work.

“Today the People’s House have sent a strong message to the Biden Administration: it’s time for the federal workforce to get back to work in-person for the American people. For years now, Americans have suffered because of the federal government’s detrimental pandemic-era telework policies. President Biden’s unnecessary expansion of telework has crippled the ability of agencies to get their jobs done and created backlogs. Seniors have experienced delays with the Social Security Administration, American taxpayers have struggled to get help from the IRS during tax filing season, and veterans have been unable to access their records to obtain care and benefits they have earned.

“The SHOW UP Act ensures our government shows up for the people we are here to serve, because American workers across the country show up every day. Federal employees should follow their example. I am pleased the House has passed this bill and urge the Senate to take it up without delay.”

Chairman Comer’s floor remarks can be viewed here.