WASHINGTON – House Committee on Oversight and Reform Ranking Member James Comer (R-Ky.) released the following statement blasting House passage of H.R. 6, a bill that would grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants.

“There is a crisis of President Biden’s own making at the Southern border. Instead of taking the actions necessary to secure the border, deter illegal immigration, and ensure unaccompanied minors are returned home quickly and safely, Democrats’ amnesty bill worsens President Biden’s border crisis. By granting amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants, Democrats are signaling to the world and human smugglers that our laws can be violated with little consequence. Amnesty will only encourage more families and children to come illegally and will provide an economic boon to human smuggling rings. Now is not the time to abandon the rule of law. President Biden and Congressional Democrats must cease their radical open borders agenda and take the actions needed to end the crisis.”
